3Shape TRIOS Orthodontics Remote Presale Service US

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3Shape TRIOS Orthodontics Remote Presale Service US

By 3Shape

Date and time

Starts on Wednesday, July 5, 2017 · 6am PDT




3Shape TRIOS Orthodontics US Remote Presale Service US

Through this page, you as a reseller can order an online sales demo for your customer of the 3Shape TRIOS Orthodontics software. Your customer will through the demo get a quick overview and an intro to the possibilities with the orthodontic software.

Make certain to register and fill out all the questions in the order form to get the demo.
The demo should be ordered latest 4PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) 3 days prior to the demo is asked for.

If you any have questions regarding the demo then please contact usorthosalesdemo@3shape.com

Please keep in mind that all the available dates for booking are CDT.

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